How To:Cupping For Cellulite
How To: Cupping For Cellulite
Cellulite has very little to do with weight and diet and is not dangerous to your health. Cellulite is mainly caused because of genetic conditions which causes fluid retention, poor lymphatic drainage drying and hardening of fascia creating fascial adhesions resulting in fat cells becoming "bunched" up within the fascial web creating the appearance of cellulite. Hormonal imbalances can also cause the development of more fat cells and changes in fascial integrity. This cellulite pushes up the fascia connecting the skin to the underlying muscle and creates the ungainly appearance of the dimpled, orange peel look on the skin that is a sign of cellulite. Although not a popular thought, having cellulite is very normal.
These normal body changes can at times drive a person crazy and although cellulite is perfectly normal, there is nothing wrong with a person wanting to change the appearance of their shape a bit. However, we want to stress that as of this time, there is no way to completely get rid of cellulite, so results are temporary. So given that, ideas to keep in your mind when looking for ways of treating cellulite typically fall within thoughts of price, how invasive the therapy is, recovery period after treatment and pain levels to expect with the treatment
Let's look at a couple of treatments not involving cupping and then we will look at cupping for cellulite reduction.
Ways of Treating Cellulite
- Surgery for Cellulite is Expensive and extremely painful with an extended time required for healing. Invasive Procedure with Risks. Cellulite can return after treatment.
- Lasers and Cold Therapies can be expensive and also result in pain or discomfort. Invasive Procedure with Risks. Cellulite can return after treatment.
- Creams feel great, but many have more hype than benefit. Cellulite at times sees no change, or can return quickly. Cream treatments tend to require frequent treatments which can become expensive.
Can Cupping Improve Cellulite?
We have already established that Cellulite is normal and is caused by various physiological changes within the body and that there are various methods advertised to "get rid of cellulite" or "eliminate cellulite" which when they work only tend to be temporary. Now, let's talk for real. Cupping has been shown to help diminish the appearance of cellulite following a regimen of daily use to begin with followed up by a less frequent maintenance period. Cupping can help diminish the look or cellulite", but it along with other treatments is not a miraculous cure to get rid of cellulite forever and results vary.
Now that we have established that, why would you want to try Cupping for Cellulite?
1. Gliding Cupping also known as Dynamic Cupping with Lubrication suctions the skin and underlying tissue up into the cup which helps to increase circulation to the are, bringing in heat, which helps to liquify the fascia back to a more hydrated state. Once this happens, the fascia which has hardened and dried and become stuck to other tissues can be remodeled allowing the fat cell within it which has been bunched up to have more space to spread out and flatten out. As this fascia is remodeled and the fat cell can flatten out, then the appearance of the tissue under the skin can appear softer, smoother and with less dimples.
2. Cellulite Cupping can be performed in the shower which makes it easy to add to your daily body cleaning routine.
3. Once the appearance has diminished, then you can decrease your cupping cellulite treatments to just 1-2 times a week to maintain the appearance. As we discussed earlier, cellulite is normal and a definitive long term cure to rid cellulite forever is elusive however, cupping can make a huge difference in the appearance of cellulite and can be repeated easily. The cups to perform cupping are inexpensive and are not a product that you need to keep reordering, so once you invest in your cellulite cups, it's usually a 1 time purchase. Results vary from person to person.

Top Personal Care Cupping Sets for Cellulite Cupping
Cellulite cups, used in cupping therapy, have gained popularity as a natural and non-invasive way to reduce the appearance of cellulite. But do they really work?
The short answer is yes. Cupping therapy stimulates blood flow and lymphatic drainage in the targeted area, softening fascia allowing for fatty deposits to un bunch resulting in smoother skin texture.
It is important to note that results may vary and consistent use over time is typically needed to see and maintain significant results.
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