Where to Place Cupping Cups for Cupping Therapy

Where to Place Cupping Cups for Cupping Therapy

Where to Place Cupping Cups for Cupping Therapy

Cupping is an ancient form of alternative healing that involves placing cups made of glass, plastic or silicone on the skin to create suction for a therapeutic effect. Knowing where to place cupping cups on your body can help you maximize the healing benefits of the treatment.

Determine your Primary Aim

Before you start the treatment, determine which area of your body needs cupping. There are several areas on your body where you can place the cups, each targeting different issues. If you're looking to improve energy levels, for example, focus your cupping session on points along the back and legs. If instead, you’re looking to relieve pain or tension in a specific fan-shaped area like shoveling or wrist pain, then focus your cupping session by placing cups at those affected areas.

Where to Place the Cups for Traditional Cupping

In traditional Chinese medicine, cupping therapy is often used to stimulate the flow of qi (energy) along specific pathways in the body called meridians. Each meridian is associated with a different organ or group of organs, and cupping is thought to help balance the flow of qi along these pathways to promote healing and wellness.

The specific placement of the cups on the meridians depends on the condition being treated. For example, cups may be placed along the large intestine meridian to alleviate constipation, or along the liver meridian to help with conditions such as headaches or menstrual cramps. In general, cupping practitioners usually place cups along the meridians on the back, legs and arms. Also on specific points of the meridian called acupoints, which have been shown to have therapeutic effects. The practitioner will be able to use their knowledge of the meridian system to determine the best placement of the cups for the individual person.

Where to Place the Cups for Massage Cupping

Cupping massage is a form of bodywork that uses cups to apply pressure to specific areas of the body to release tension and pain. The cups are typically placed on the skin and moved in a gliding or circular motion. Some common areas for cupping massage include:

  • The back: The back is a common area for cupping massage, as it can help release tension in the muscles of the upper and lower back, which can alleviate pain and improve range of motion.

  • The shoulders and neck: Cupping massage on the shoulders and neck can help release tension in the muscles of the upper back and neck, which can improve posture and alleviate pain and stiffness.
  • The hips and legs: Cupping massage on the hips and legs can help release tension in the muscles of the lower back and legs, which can improve mobility and alleviate pain and discomfort.
  • The calves and feet: Cupping massage can be applied on the calves and feet to release tension on the lower leg muscles and improve circulation
  • The arms and hands: Cupping massage can also be applied on the arms and hands which can help to alleviate pain, stiffness, and improve mobility.

Where to Place Cups for Fascial Cupping

Fascial cupping, also known as massage cupping, is a form of bodywork that uses cups to apply pressure to specific areas of the body to release tension and pain. The cups are typically made of glass, plastic or silicone and are placed on the skin and either moved in a gliding or circular motion.

During a fascial cupping session, the practitioner will place the cups on the skin, creating suction that pulls the skin and underlying tissues into the cups. This suction is thought to create a separation between the layers of fascia, which is the connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles and internal organs. This separation of the fascia can help to release any adhesions or knots that have formed, which can cause pain and limited range of motion.

The suction created by the cups can also help to improve circulation, bringing fresh oxygenated blood to the area and helping to remove toxins and waste products. The increased blood flow can also help to promote healing and reduce inflammation.

The practitioner will move the cups in a gliding motion along muscle fibers, tendons or other soft tissue which can help to release tension and improve range of motion, improve mobility and alleviate pain. The cupping therapist will assess the condition of the client and customize the treatment accordingly.

Where to Place Cups for Cupping with Active Engagement

Cupping with active engagement, also known as Myofascial Decompression Cupping,  of the muscle is a technique used in bodywork therapy that combines cupping therapy with active muscle engagement. This technique involves using cups to apply pressure to specific areas of the body while the patient is actively contracting and relaxing the targeted muscle group. This technique aims to use the suction created by the cups to help release tension and pain in the muscles, while also utilizing the patient's active engagement to help stretch and relax the muscle.
This technique is believed to have several benefits:

  • By using active muscle engagement, the therapist can target specific muscles and muscle groups, making the treatment more precise.
  • Active muscle engagement can help to increase blood flow and oxygenation to the muscle, which can help to speed up the healing process.
  • Active muscle engagement can also help to increase flexibility and range of motion, and decrease muscle stiffness.
  • This technique can also help to break up adhesions and knots in the muscle, which can be a source of pain.

It's worth noting that  cupping therapy with active muscle engagement should is typically performed by a Physiotherapist, Athletic Trainer, Massage Therapists or other Trained Cupping Professionals who will determine the best approach based on the individual's needs, skin sensitivity and any contraindications. As well as, it's important to remember that cupping should be performed as part of a larger treatment plan to yield the best result.

Different Cupping Techniques

There are several different types of cupping techniques that can be used, depending on the condition being treated and the preferences of the practitioner or client. Some of the main types include:

  • Dry cupping: This is the most common type of cupping. It involves placing cups on the skin without the use of oils or lotions. The suction created by the cups can help to release tension and pain, and improve circulation.
  • Wet cupping: Also known as "hijama," wet cupping involves making small incisions on the skin before applying the cups. The suction created by the cups draws blood to the surface, which is thought to help detoxify the body and improve overall health. Hijama has increased risks and should only be performed by a trained professional.
  • Moving cupping: This technique involves moving the cups around the skin in a gliding or circular motion. This can be used to break up adhesions and release muscle tension.
  • Flash cupping: This is a technique where practitioner apply cups in quick succession and take them off right after. It's used to invigorate the area and stimulate blood flow.
  • Fire cupping: This technique involves heating the air inside the cup before placing it on the skin. This creates a stronger suction and is thought to be particularly effective in treating respiratory issues. This technique has increased risks and should only be performed by a trained professional.
  • Magnetic cupping: This technique involves the use of cups that have magnets in them, and they are believed to be able to stimulate acupressure points and energy flow.
  • Facial cupping: This is a special technique to use cupping on face, which is believed to be able to improve blood flow and reduce wrinkles and puffiness on face.

It's worth noting that cupping therapy is not recommended for everyone and can be contraindicated in some conditions, so it's important to consult a qualified practitioner with any questions or concerns before trying any of the above mentioned types of cupping.


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