What Makes Our Cups Different?
The Supreme Cupping Series has 2 softnesses levels to choose from:

Softer Silicone for Beginners, Self Care & Therapists Performing Superficial to Intermediate Work
Supreme 4 Intermediate PRO 5560

Harder Silicone For Advanced Treatments. Requires more Hand Strength but delivers for Deep Tissue Work
Supreme 4 Deep PRO 6065
Professionals with Cupping Experience performing Advanced deep work prefer the Supreme Deep 6065 which provides one of the strongest suctions of a silicone cup on the market, but is not preferred by beginners as requires more hand strength to maneuver and difficult to use for the Beginner.
The Supreme Intermediate PRO 5560 Personal Care Cups are in our Softer Line and more suited for Beginners, Personal Care and Therapists performing Superficial or Intermediate Cupping Treatments.
This is the Supreme DEEP PRO 6065

How Do you Use Cups for Cupping?
The cups are squeezed and applied to the skin which creates a vacuum or suction. This is sometimes called suction cup therapy.
Decompression occurs as the tissue is sucked into the cup. It is reported that this decompression helps increase blood circulation to the area allowing for fresh blood and oxygen to flush to the area.
Cupping Therapy is used to decompress and release adhesions, scar tissue, relax muscles in spasm, decrease trigger point pain, decrease tissue changes and inflammation following trauma; unblocking Qi, improving circulatory deficiencies resulting in stimulating fibroblasts which increases collagen. Collagen is found mostly in fibrous tissues such as tendons, ligaments, muscles, and skin which is why the Cupping Warehouse Supreme Style Cupping Therapy cups are highly recommended by healthcare professionals for soft tissue injuries, sprains, strains, spasms, face lifting, tightening, plumping and to help with surgical scars, burn scars and other injury scars.

How to lift, sculpt, and define your natural beauty, naturally.

This Advanced Professional Hard Silicone Cupping Therapy Set Has Versatile Uses
Static or Stationary Use
Silicone Cups Designed with Harder Silicone than most with the ability to create strong deep suction beneficial for Static Stationary Cupping and Active Engagement Cupping.
Dynamic or Gliding Use
Variable Suction is created by the amount of squeeze. Lighter Suction for Dynamic and Gliding Cupping with Lubricant is easily achieved with these cups.

Silicone Molds to Tissue
A huge benefit to our Silicone Cups is the cups ability to change form and shape to mold to the Tissue being worked on.
Chosen By Professional
Our Company and products are produced with Professionals in Mind as they owner is a 27 Year Licensed Nurse and 10 Year Licensed Massage Therapist. Use in Hospitals, Cancer Centers, Rehab's, Clinics, Schools, Spa's and Homes.

Your Cupping Kit Contains:
1 Small Supreme Self Care Intermediate Pro 5560 Cup
1 Medium Supreme Self Care Intermediate Pro 5560 Cup
1 Large Supreme Self Care Intermediate Pro 5560 Cup
1 X-Large Supreme Self Care Intermediate Pro 5560 Cup
Basic Cupping Instructions written by Professional Cupping Instructor
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Legal Disclaimer: Do not leave on for longer than 1-5 minutes without further instruction by a cupping professional and remove sooner if needed. Do not glide over arteries. Not recommended for individuals on blood thinners or anyone who bruises easily. Not Recommended for Pregnant Women. Should not be used on open wounds or skin blemishes. Check with your Physician prior to using. If you have a condition you are not sure if cupping is appropriate for or have any doubt, check with your physician first. Check with Pediatrician prior to using on children.